Thankfully, you don't need the best gaming PC out there to run WoW, since it runs on fairly low-spec PCs, which makes it pretty accessible. I have experience trying to persuade dozens of friends and family to get into WoW, so I know many common complaints. Source: Windows Central (Image credit: Windows Central) While the new player experience is still awful, returning players should find a lot of things to love in Dragonflight. So far, Dragonflight has been a great experience for me personally.The new dungeons and raids aren't the most unique in the game's history, but they are fun and interesting and offer familiar challenges and rewards for those who enjoy WoW's PvE gameplay loop.All of your power progression can come from levels and gear obtained from professions, dungeons, raids, and quests. Blizzard avoided the mistake of making these soft "Covenants" offer power progression. Most of the rewards are also cosmetic and profession-oriented.Players can essentially grind all the reputation rewards if they feel like it, although there are weekly boosts for those who don't feel like racing to the finish every day. The Dragon Isles are filled with activities and very soft time-gating, if any.They are however quite fun to play, and add a unique variety of new combat mechanics such as charge-up attacks for those seeking something fresh.

In male humanoid form, they are blood elves, once again, adding to the already disproportionate amount of elves in the game. They can only wear shoulders and belts, making transmog options extremely limited. They have fewer abilities and talent specs than most classes, and their designs are also the subject of controversy.

World of Warcraft's previous expansion, Shadowlands, has now come to a close.